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August Transitional Program 2

Register for

August Transitional Program 2

 8/16/21 - 8/27/21

Dear Hoboken Parents and Guardians,

It is with great pleasure and excitement that I am sending you this letter regarding your child’s participation in the August Transitional Program 2021 Program. In response to the impact of the pandemic on the school experience of our children, we are offering an August Transitional Program that is an optional program for students with IEPs who would like to participate on a voluntary basis that allows for students to continue the transitional program through August.

Please see the attached guide for Special Services Summer 2021 Programs for the details. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s case manager before the end of the school year.

Our staff looks forward to working with your child and family to offer a wonderful and enriching experience this summer. 




Cecilia D’Elia, Psy.D.

Director of Special Services

Please note that scheduling may vary based on the number of participating students and their needs.

Traditional ESY 

July 5 - 30

Summer Transition Schedule

July 5 - 30

August r Transition

Part 1) Aug 2 - 13

Part 2) Aug 16 - 27

8:15 - 9:00

Check-in - breakfast, day planning

Check-in - breakfast, day planning

Check-in - breakfast, day planning

9:00 - 10:00

Academic (math/ELA/life skills)

Academic:  Functional (math/ELA)

Academic:  Functional (math/ELA)

10:00 - 10:30

Specials (Movement/Art/Music/)

Prep for Work (job readiness curricula)

Naviance Resume 

Naviance Interest Survey

Prep for Work (job readiness curricula)

Naviance Resume 

Naviance Interest Survey

10:30 - 11:30

Academic (math/ELA/life skills)

11:30 - 12:00

Lunch & Move or Relax

Lunch & Move or Relax

Lunch & Move or Relax

12:30 - 1:30

Academic (math/ELA/life skills)

Community Based Instruction

(Requires the development of partnerships with community before the start of ESY)

Community Based Instruction

(Requires the development of partnerships with community before the start of ESY)

1:30 - 2:00 

Specials (Movement/Art/Music)

2:00 - 2:45

Academic (math/ELA/life skills)

2:45 - 3:00

Check- out - pack up, debrief, prep for next day

Check- out - pack up, debrief, prep for next day

Check- out - pack up, debrief, prep for next day

August Program Options


# of Weeks


Part 1

8/2/21 - 8/13/21


High school

Part 2

816/19/21 - 8/27/21


High school

The High School August programs will operate from 8:15 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. 

Pricing for each (1) August Program

Full Paying Designation

 $440.00 for each August session

Reduced Lunch

 $162.00 for each August session

Free Lunch Designation


*Credit Card Payment is the only accepted form of payment For any family without access to a credit card the registration system allows for prepaid Visa and Master cards. These cards can be purchased with cash from CVS, Walgreen, Rite Aid, and other convenience stores.

Reduced lunch families that need additional support to cover the cost of the camp should reach out to Superintendent, Christine Johnson at [email protected] or Director of Special Services, Cecilia D’Elia at [email protected]

Hoboken High School

Hoboken,NJ 07030
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Event Dates
Aug 16