Get ready for the Spring season by joining the Jenison High Softball Coaches and Players for a fun day learning more about the game of softball. Players can sign up for one or both of these clinics on March 16.
Session 1- General Skills Clinic covering hitting, bunting, base running and fielding.
Session 2- Pitching and Catching Clinic (specify P or C). Pitchers should bring a non-participant catcher.
All participants in both clinics will have the opportunity to learn, practice and ask questions from Jenison Varsity coaches and players while participating in drills designed for all level of athletes.
Plan to arrive 15 minutes early to register. - Parents are welcome to stay to watch.
Registration placed before March 1 will guarantee correct T-shirt size.
Who: 4th-8th
Where: Jenison Fieldhouse
Date(s): March 16, 2024 - General Skills Clinic: 10am-Noon, Pitching and Catching Clinic: 12:15-1:00
Cost: General Skills Clinic- $50, Pitching/Catching Clinic- $25
Equipment Needed by the Participants:
Softball glove, Softball helmet, bat, athletic or softball pants (no shorts), athletic shoes (no metal cleats), water bottle.