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2024-2025 ELC - Extended Care Tuition

Tuition is due on the first of each month. Please contact us immediately if you are having difficulty with payments so we can work with you in order to bring the account current. If a tuition payment is more than 1 month overdue, your child(ren) will not be allowed to attend until tuition fees are current, including extended care fees. Accounts that remain delinquent and are placed for collections, may be charged a reasonable attorney fee, collection fees, and/or court costs.

We will be using the PaySchools payment portal for debit/credit payments.  Fees are $.75 processing fee plus 3.9% credit/debit card fee.  Checks not accepted through this system

Checks & money orders (made out to: ESCLC) can be delivered to the school office. We will NOT be accepting cash payments. 

Early Learning Center
12079 LaGrange Rd
LaGrange ,OH 44050
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