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E 104    BASKETBALL                                                                                   Fee: $100

Tuesdays, 10/8 - 11/12 (Six Sessions)         5:30 - 6:30 PM                     Room: Gym

Location: Memorial School Gym, 1 Haines Avenue, Emerson, NJ

Class will focus on the fundamental skills of basketball, including ball handling, passing, shooting, and defense. Students should wear basketball attire & sneakers, bring extra water, and do not need to bring their own basketball. This class is for students in grades K-3. INSTRUCTOR: Emerson Head Coach Colleen Malzahn. Colleen is in her 12th year as Head Coach of the Cavos, with over 180 wins and numerous Coach of the Year selections. As an alumni of Emerson, she is the all-time leading scorer at the high school with 1,710 career points. Colleen is also the Health & Wellness teacher at Memorial & Villano Schools

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