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E 124 CHOCOLATE HYPNOSIS HEALING Fee: $30 Wednesday, 11/6 (One Session) 8:30 - 10:00 PM HS Media Center The power of hypnosis has been used to help millions of people overcome their problems. Any part of your life that is controlled by your mind can be improved by it. Dark (not milk) chocolate contains a natural chemical called phenyletylamine, or PEA. It increases serotonin levels in the brain, which creates a trance-like state. Using the soothing power of hypnosis and the help of dark chocolate, the instructor can help you to remove your problem (weight, smoking, stress, bad habits, guilt, jealousy, fears, phobias, headaches, anger, or chronic pain). Bring a pillow, mat, and a bar of dark chocolate (50-70% cocoa). A Dove dark chocolate bar is okay. INSTRUCTOR: Marc Sky, hypnotist, experienced adult school instructor

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