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E 137 LINE DANCING Fee: $100 Tuesdays, 11/19-12/10 (Four Sessions) 6:45 - 8:00 PM Location: Memorial School Gym, 1 Haines Avenue, Emerson, NJ 

A line dance is a choreographed dance in which a group of people dance along to a repeating sequence of steps. Each line dance is usually associated with, and named for, a specific song. Line dancing is a fun form of exercise, perfect for improving coordination and balance, increasing cardio health and brain memory. Escape the stress of your life for a bit. During this hour you will laugh, sweat and have a great time meeting new people. You'll learn line dances to country and pop hits to prepare you for a night out at a local line dancing venue or simply for your personal fun and benefits. Get ready...it is fun and addicting! 

INSTRUCTOR: Diana Daniel has been teaching Ballroom, Latin and Line Dancing for over 30 years. She successfully owned Anchor Dance Studio located in Oradell, NJ from 2001-2018. Diana has been retired for 5 years and now has a fresh new LOVE for what she does! Line dancing was her first genre of dances she taught and is going back to her roots

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