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E 141 KUNG FU FOR SELF DEFENSE Fee: $125 Mondays 10/7 - 11/25 (8 Sessions) 6:00 - 7:00 PM Location: Peter Kwok’s Kung Fu Academy, at The Masonic Temple Lodge, 275 Kinderkamack Rd., Westwood NJ 

Get in shape by learning how to defend yourself with Kung Fu. Learn special techniques that can overcome any attack. These skills were taught by the famous Shao Lin Monks from China, known for their amazing fighting skill and strategies. This is an 8-week course: Week 1 (blocking); Week 2 (kicking); Week 3 (punching and pressure points); Week 4 (joint locks, part 1 - lock and submission holds); Week 5 (joint locks, part 2 - dissolve and counter); Week 6 (practice joint locks); Week 7 (practical street applications); Week 8 (crash course strategies plus certificate of completion*). 

*Must attend all 8 weeks to obtain certificate of completion. 

INSTRUCTOR: Randy Elia, owner of Peter Kwok’s Kung Fu Academy

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