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E 166 HAVE FUN WITH A PSYCHIC READING Fee: $30 Tuesday 10/29 (One session) 6:45 - 8:15 PM HS Auditorium Have you ever had a psychic reading? Here’s a fun and exciting opportunity to find out about yourself, your relationship and your future. Renown psychic Marc Sky will do group readings in this enlightening and entertaining class. Find out about your future and learn how to be your own psychic. You will have your palm read and find out all about love, business, relationships and more. You will also receive an 8 page detailed Numerology chart prepared specifically for YOU. Based on your name and birthday, this chart will analyze what motivates you in life, the impression you give others, the way you express yourself, the lessons you must learn, your destiny, best activities for the year, cycles & turning points in your life, the challenges you must meet and your personal horoscope every day for a year. Also included for the ladies is a Romance Astro-numerology chart revealing your romantic, fun-loving self! NOTE: Your numerology chart is prepared in advance. When you sign up for the class, please provide your birthday. 

INSTRUCTOR: Marc Sky, psychic & experienced instructor

Additional Info/Documentation

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