Was ist das? Qu’est-ce que c’est? VIVE LE ROCK & DER WALTZ is a 3-hour program designed to give students a better understanding of French and German culture in three key areas: dance, music and cuisine. The program includes a history and overview of both dances - - the Waltz and Swing. Students will learn about the Waltz’s humble beginnings and rapid growth using classical music from Johann Strauss, and learn the basic steps of this elegant ballroom dance. Then they will pick up the pace, boogie woogie and swing. After the lesson, students will participate in a Q&A where they can ask the performers questions in French and German and receive prizes for correct vocabulary and grammar. All of this excitement is followed by a delicious buffet lunch of traditional French and German fare like Salade printanière avec baguette (spring mix salad with goat cheese and baguette), Wurst mit Sauerkraut (sausage & sauerkraut), Poulet Basquaise (chicken basquaise), Kartoffelsalat (German potato salad), rice, and Schwarzwälderkirschtorte (Black Forest Cherry Cake). After eating, students will be encouraged to practice their dance techniques and dance on their own.