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Wadsworth Safety Town 2025

Wadsworth Safety Town 2025     

Week One - July 14-17

Week Two - July 21-24

In Partnership with the City of Wadsworth and Wadsworth City Schools

Every kindergarten child entering school in the Wadsworth City School District is invited to attend Safety Town! Safety Town is a unique educational experience offered in the summer to students entering kindergarten in the fall of 2025.  Safety Town participants are taught about safety in these areas: walking, bicycle, traffic, home, fire, school bus, strangers, and how to be a safe car passenger.  Safety Town runs 2 ½ hours a day for 4 days. Our staff includes Wadsworth City School staff, a police officer, firefighters, adult supervisors, and many teen volunteers.

The registration fees for Safety Town are $25.00.

You will be able to choose ONE session of Safety Town:

      1st week: July 14-17       2nd week: July 21-24   

                         9:00 am - 11:30 am                                 


                             12:45 pm - 3:15 pm                                    

            Class sizes are limited to 45 children per session and

are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

We are sorry, but due to space limitations, the invitation to attend Wadsworth Safety Town is only extended to students who are Wadsworth residents.

Important Information 

*Wadsworth Safety Town will be held at Isham Elementary 325 Sunset Blvd.

*We have a daily cookie snack. We ask that one dozen, peanut-free cookies be provided by each child.  

*Please indicate on the online registration form if your child has a food allergy or dietary restrictions. 

*We work with your child on learning his/her address and phone number.  The phone number you provide during the registration process will be the number we teach your child to memorize in case of an emergency.  Please work with your child on your own if there are other numbers you would like them to know.  

*Safety Town T-shirts are being provided free of charge for each child by the City of Wadsworth.  Please indicate your child’s shirt size on the online registration form.  

*We WILL NOT accept “walk-ins” on the first day of Safety Town.  Please register early.


If you have questions or need further assistance, please email:

April Jira, Director

[email protected]

The Wadsworth Safety Town is in its 53rd year and enjoys the enthusiastic support of the Wadsworth City Schools, Sacred Heart School, the City of Wadsworth, and several community service organizations and businesses.

The mission of the Wadsworth Safety Town program is to partner with parents, Safety Town Staff, and Community Helpers to provide a safety program that will enable all participants an opportunity to learn safety rules and practices needed to enter Kindergarten.

The Wadsworth Safety Town Program incorporates an age-appropriate, interactive curriculum that enables each student to learn safety skills needed as each child prepares to enter school.  

We believe the Wadsworth Safety Town Program will prepare children to be aware of safety practices in their surrounding environments including home and school.  

If you have questions or need further assistance, please email:

April Jira, Director    [email protected]    

Isham Elementary
325 Sunset Blvd.
Wadsworth,OH 44281
View Map
Event Dates
Jul 24