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E138 LINE DANCING II Fee: $100

Tuesdays, April 22 - May 20 (Five Sessions) 8-9 PM
Location: Memorial School Gym, 1 Haines Avenue, Emerson, NJ (12 people minimum)
Yeeeee Hawwww! Saddle up and get ready for our FIRST Beginner II Line Dancing Program. These classes are one level up from our beginner Line Dancing classes, but not as challenging as Intermediate level. During these Line Dance classes, you will be taught fun popular Beginner II line dances. These line dances are a bit more challenging than our beginner classes and will be taught at a faster pace. Basics steps like "Grapevine" & "Rocking Chair" will be used , but not necessarily taught at a beginner level. You will also learn what a "Tag" and "Restart" is while incorporating this knowledge into the new line dances you will learn! We look forward to seeing you in class! Feel free to sign-up for both Beginner & Beginner II classes for a night of fun exercise and education!
INSTRUCTOR: Diana Daniel has been teaching Ballroom, Latin and Line Dancing for over 30 years. She successfully owned Anchor Dance Studio located in Oradell, NJ from 2001-2018. Diana has been retired for 5 years and now has a fresh new LOVE for what she does! Line dancing was her first genre of dances she taught and is going back to her roots.

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