E 167 MAH JONGG - Beginner Fee:
Wednesdays, 3/19 - 4/23 (Five Sessions) NO CLASS 4/16 6:30 - 8:30 PM HS Room: 29
Learn the Modern American version of this ancient Chinese game in a no pressure, fun environment. You will learn the basics of playing the game as well as basic strategies. Each player will need to have a 2024 National Mah Jongg League card. You can purchase one at nationalmahjonggleague.org/store.aspx# A Large Print card ($15) is recommended.
INSTRUCTOR: Stacy Budkofsky has been playing Mah Jongg since 2003 and teaching students of all ages, from 2nd graders to senior citizens, for many years. Her patience and love for the game shines through in her careful explanations of the rules and strategies.