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E 173 LEARN TO SEW FOR ADULTS Fee: $160 Tuesdays, 3/11 - 5/6 (Eight Sessions) NO CLASS 4/15 7:00 - 8:30 PM HS Room: 29

This class is for anyone above the age of 14 who wants to learn to sew or wants to improve their skill set. Students will be required to bring in their own garment sewing pattern from Simplicity brand as well as their own fabric suitable for their choice of garment. All details for choosing their pattern and fabric will be given during the first class so it is NOT necessary to bring materials for the first class. Students will be taught the techniques suitable for the successful completion of their garment of choice. Sewing machines will be provided for use.

INSTRUCTOR: Vivian Burns has been teaching sewing and Fashion design to youth and adults since 2005. Through her business, So You, she has taught many classes throughout NY and NJ. Her work can be seen on Instagram @soyoudesign and website, Soyoustudio.com.

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Event Dates
May 30