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E 179 GUITAR LEVEL 2 Fee: $100 Tuesdays, 3/11 - 4/22 (Six Sessions) NO CLASS 4/15 8:00 - 9:00 PM HS Room: 85

This course is designed for the guitarist who has some experience playing and is familiar with the basic open position chords, strums, and can play some simple songs. We will build upon that knowledge, progressing to power chords, barre chords and scales, all the while concentrating on applying these techniques to songs. We will learn basic blues licks, alternating bass/chord patterns, how to throw in runs, and various other techniques to make our playing more interesting. The student should bring an acoustic guitar or an electric with a small amplifier, guitar pick and your enthusiasm for this great instrument.

INSTRUCTOR: Leo Jordan, instructor with 30 years experience, played with greats from Jazz, Blues, Rock and Country at area clubs 

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Event Dates
May 30