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Peirce Music Department Trip 2025

The Peirce Music Department has been approved to participate in a Trills and Thrills adjudicated festival on Friday, May 16, 2025 at Dorney Park. This is a wonderful opportunity for members of the Concert Chorale, 7/8 Orchestra, & 7/8 Band to perform for a panel of judges, and have some fun at Dorney Park.

The cost of the trip ($130) covers the festival fee, park admission, transportation, and t-shirt. A pre-paid meal voucher can be purchased for an additional $19. All fees are non-refundable.


Chaperones are needed for this trip to take place. Chaperones must have all proper clearances (click here to obtain clearances). There is no cost for chaperones, however we are limited to the first fifteen (15) chaperones that reply. Chaperones must be the parent/guardian of a participating student. Chaperones perform a crucial role and cannot be guaranteed that they will be in a group or on a bus with their child.


Students with season passes to Dorney Park may use them and pay a reduced rate ($95). Students must have their season pass present to gain entry to the park. Directors are not responsible for lost season passes.


Students should have a bagged lunch for this trip. Lunches can be pre-ordered through the Peirce cafeteria. See Mr. Shollenberger, Mrs. Boyd or Ms. McGowan for an order form.


Students will need additional money for dinner and any additional attractions (games, souvenirs, etc.) Please note that Dorney Park is now cashless. However, there are ATMs located throughout the park where students can convert their cash into a card for the park. ApplePay and GooglePay are also accepted throughout the park.


Students bring all electronic devices at their own risk.

A t-shirt is provided as part of the cost of the trip. It must be worn at all times during the trip - no exceptions.


Students/parents with financial hardship are encouraged to speak to their director about options.


All ensembles must stay together at the performance place. No exceptions.

There will be specified check-in times at the park. All students must be physically present to their assigned chaperone at this time. At all other times in the park, all students must be with at least three (3) other Peirce students for the duration of park time. Students will sign up for their groups a few weeks prior to the trip. Multiple groups can be together, but you must remain with your specified group for the entire trip.

Students are representing their ensemble, their school, and their community. All WCASD Discipline Policies are in place, and students may forfeit their trip privileges by not adhering to all rules and instructions. Participating on this trip is a privilege; not a right. If you are found not behaving, not reporting at specified times, or behaving inappropriately in any other way, you will spend the trip with the directors and we are not fun.

Completed and Signed forms with full payment are due to your director by Friday, March 14, 2025.

Include links:

Trip Permission form: Permission Form

Families must complete and return Medical Form to their child’s music ensemble director:

Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom
4000 Dorney Park Rd
Allentown,PA 18104
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Event Dates
May 16