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2025 New London Prom - Tangled: Best Day Ever

Saturday, May 3, 2025

Grand March: 6:30 pm

Prom: 8:00 pm

Prom will be $60.00 a couple ($30.00 per person) which includes a catered dinner, DJ, and souvenirs. Reservations and payment will be required to be paid online through the New London High School website.  The window to make a purchase will be open from Monday, April 1st  until Thursday, April 24th at 12:00am.  Students will need to see Mrs. Nelson, in the High School office, to make sure All school fees, class dues, and any other obligations are paid before you will be permitted to purchase your tickets online.  Once obligations are settled, a one time use code will be provided to allow for online ticket purchase. Prom is a formal event,  NO jeans.

Students may pick the eight people they would like to sit with for dinner. Please turn in only one sheet for the table. Make sure that you have talked to everyone on the list before you turn it in. This form is also available on the High School website.

Students are allowed to bring a guest that is at least in the 9th grade and no older than 20. If a date is from out of town, students will need to have a permission slip signed before the couple can sign up for Prom. This form is available in your packet or on the High School  website.

Grand March will begin at the school in the gymnasium at 6:30 pm. Please arrive between 6:00 pm and 6:10 pm in the band hallway to line up. Students will be casting votes for Prom King/Queen at this time. The public is invited to watch Grand March, and we will have the bleachers open for seating. Please leave the bottom bleacher and chairs open for prom participants and those needing wheelchair access. We will also live stream on our Facebook page and our website. 

We will be having an “Open House” for anyone wanting to see all of the decorations that the students have worked on so diligently. The Open House will take place from 5:00pm – 6:00pm. The doors will be closing at 6:00pm Sharp.

Post Prom this year will be at Scene 75 in Brunswick.  Students will be able to change clothes here (at the school) in a designated area. At 11:30pm the buses will be leaving for post prom which will last until 3:00 am. You have to ride the bus for post prom and can only leave early if your parents sign you out. 

Any Person that is not a current New London student that is attending Prom needs to fill out an Emergency Medical Form.  Extra forms are in your information packet or may be found online on our website.

Pictures will be taken by Krystal Kelley Photography.  Students should bring $5.00 to the dance in order to be included in the gallery.  All students who bring $5.00 can have multiple photos taken and will receive a digital download (with printing rights).  Students who do not pay at the dance will not have photos taken.

If you are Only attending Post Prom, you need to pay $10.00 per person to attend. Post prom is free if you are attending Prom.

If you have any questions, please feel free to come to the art room to see me or call the school at 419-929-1586 ext. 2113.  

Mrs. Haswell

New London High School
1 Wildcat Dr.
New London,OH 44851
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Event Dates
May 03