Students must purchase a pass ($7.00) and have it displayed while the vehicle is parked on school property. Any student who drives and does not purchase a pass may be subject to disciplinary action.
The parking pass must be displayed in the vehicle at all times
Students may ONLY park in the designated area at the west side (gym side) of the building. This includes CCP students or those coming late to school. Vehicles parked in the wrong lot may receive a warning or be towed. Repeated violations will be towed at the owner’s expense.
No cars should be there before 7:10 in the morning
Students are not to loiter in their cars. Once arriving at the parking lot, all students should exit their cars and enter the building through the doors nearest the gym.
Student vehicles are off limits to students during the day unless the student has signed out in the office.
Vehicles must be operated in a safe and responsible manner.
School buses have the right-of-way at all times.
Students who choose to violate these driving/ parking regulations may be subject to a fine, have their driving and parking privileges revoked for a specific period of time or the remainder of the year.