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Pennsbury Community School Fall 2024 Class Offerings


  Chess for Fighting Nights With Coach Jared- Tuesdays - $100.00
  Introduction to Felting: Crafting with Wool - Thursdays - $100.00
  Sewing with Patterns - Thursdays - $80.00
  Ceramics - Tuesdays - $150.00
  American Sign Language - Tuesdays - $75.00
  Beginners Pickleball on Tuesdays with Bob & Craig - Location TBD - $160.00
  Country Line Dancing for All Levels - Tuesdays - $70.00
  Country Line Dancing for All Levels - Wednesdays - $70.00
  Tai Chi for All Levels - Tuesdays - $75.00
  Strength Training with Sandy - Mondays - $75.00
  Let’s Dance! Zumba with Sandy - Mondays - $75.00
  Yogalates with June - Tuesdays - $75.00
  Gentle Yoga with June - Wednesdays - Class 1 - $75.00
  Gentle Yoga with June - Wednesdays - Class 2 - $75.00